The Christ Church Women’s Ministry provides opportunities to fulfill our vision of:

Encouraging Women to Love Christ, Know Each Other, and Serve the World.


This is a National Conference for women between the ages of 15 and 115. Conference registration is $75 and includes messages from speakers, powerful praise & worship, a refelective prayer room and Friday Lunch.


This Conference will be held at our Christ Church Methodist Campus.

April 4 & 5th

Mom's Connect

All moms need encouragement! Join moms of all ages and parenting stages for a supportive, Bible-based group to help you through the ups and downs of life and parenting.


We meet wednesday, during Mid-week connect at 6:30pm | RmS114.

Dinner is available to all in the Coomons at 5:30 - $5 per person

Childcare is provided and babies are welcome! 

The Facilitator of this group is Krista Shook

Thursday Morning

This group meets 9:30 - 11 AM in room S111

The Facilitator of this group is Lisa Moncrief

Open to all - No registration needed

Friday Morning

This group meets 9:30 - 11 AM in room S114

The Facilitator of this group is Lynette Read

Open to all - No registration needed


Bingo Night, 6:30 in the Commons, sponsored by Women’s, Children and Student Ministries


Next Bingo Night | Coming Soon!