Adult Sunday School

These groups meet Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM unless noted below.

BY GRACE Class for ages 30’s and 40’s, couples or singles, with children or without. Informal, bring your coffee and donuts, we seek to apprentice with Christ and experience his grace. Other ages adults and babies also welcome. Meeting in Room S-112. Contact Jennifer Grove for more information.

EMPTY NESTER’S Our group is for people whose children have left the nest, have returned to the nest, or we’re here when you need to rest your wings!  We seek to nourish our faith journeys through fellowship, the study and discussion of God’s word and serving with our mission partners.  We invite you to bless our nest as we seek to grow in Christ.  (Rm CC 104 | The Conference room).
Contact Kathy Arnold at
FRIENDSHIP for Adults 30s-80+; Singles & Married, People come with and without spouses; some folks are working & others are retired; Some have children and some do not. We are a diverse group who love to Study different Christian living topics and books of the Bible.
(Rm S115) Contact Patti Cooper,
GENESIS class seeks to grow in our faith by seeking “The Word exposed in words” through “divine reading” & lively discussion.(Rm S113) Contact Lyn Ledbetter at
LOGOS (THE WORD OF GOD) Let’s talk about our multi-generational Sunday School class! We range in age from our 30s to 90s, and it’s so great to learn from each other’s different perspectives. We meet in person, but we also hold the class online so anyone traveling, relocating, or feeling under the weather can still join us. Together, we choose which book of the Bible to study and explore one chapter each week, unpacking its history, discussing the characters mentioned, and discovering how it relates to Christ. We even touch on differences between religions, as discussed in scripture and explore how we can apply the teachings to our daily lives. It’s an engaging, informative, and fun experience that brings us closer to God and each other.
For all ages (Rm S114) Contact Deborah Raley at
NEW HORIZONS is for people of all ages. We fellowship, study the Bible, and discover ways to live as fully devoted followers of Jesus.
(Rm CC 110) Contact Chris Schenk at
PASSAGES Sunday School class reads and studies the Bible together. Genesis through Revelation, all books, chapters and verses are read in class. Gifted instructors provide insight into the readings. Discussion is encouraged and adds to our collective understanding of the Bible.
(Rm S111) Steve Newell

THE WESLEYANS The Wesleyan S. S. Class welcomes all 55+ seniors who love Christ and  love their neighbors.   We support each other as we age and strive to be more Christlike by keeping Him in the center of our lives.  

(Parlor) Contact Kathy Borcher