Children’s Ministry Events and Schedule

Mid-Week Connect

Midweek connect is a time when the church gathers for fellowship and teaching. The evening starts at 5:30pm with food and a time of informal connection.
Various activities, teachings, and classes will be available from 6:30pm. These classes aim to help people grow in their faith and better manage the complexities of life. Fellowship and connection will continue until 7:30pm for those that would rather enjoy some down time after a long day.
Child-care is available for children Ages 6 weeks to 3 years from 5:30 – 7:30 PM
5:30 – 6:30 | Dinner will be available for all ages. $5 per person is suggested.

learn more about mid-week connect here

Confirmation 2025 | Begins Sunday, January 12

9:30 – 10:30 AM


Our Confirmation program prepares students 6th grade and up to claim the Christian faith as his or her own. Confirmation is the public confirming of one’s faith in Jesus Christ. Biblically, confirmation follows baptism; therefore, there will be an opportunity for any confirmands who have not yet been baptized to be baptized at the time of Confirmation. Learn more

April 25 & 26 | The Bridge Retreat

This is a 24-hour retreat for 5th grade – 12th Grade This is a time for connection, growth & spiritual development. The Retreat will be held at Pineywoods Camp. Activities include: Prayer walks, ropes course/ zip lining, recreation time, camp fire, canoeing
Fri, April 25 meet at the church at 5:30 PM | bring a snack for the ride
Sat, April 26 Pick up at Christ Church at 8 PM

Register for Bridge Retreat

Summer Camp 2025 

Join Pastor Heather & Mrs. Lynette June 9-13th, Open to all incoming 3rd grade to out going seniors.
We have 10 reserved spots | Email Mrs. Lynette if you are interested
Summer camp will provide worship, fellowship, growth and joy!