“I came that you may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
To provide opportunities to:
Live life more fully
Love God and each other more deeply
Reflect Christ’s light in the world
There are three areas that help us to become more Christ-like and that is by apprenticing with Jesus in the following ways: bible study, engaging regularly in spiritual disciplines and joining a Small Group. We invite you to find abundant life by engaging in these discipleship opportunities.
Bible Boot Camp 2025
Sunday Morning at 9:30 AM
Wednesday Evening at 6:30 PM
An introduction to Christian Scripture, Bible Boot Camp is an 8-week overview answering questions like… How was the Bible formed? Can we trust the Bible? What is in the Old and New Testaments? How do I study the Bible? It is perfect for those who want a big-picture understanding of Christianity’s main book.
Led by Pastor Jon Sims
Tuesday Morning Men’s Group
Tuesday, 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM
This study is an ongoing study, Tuesday, 6:30 am-7:30 am. Meets in the Parlor for breakfast, then fellowship & study. No Cost – just bring your Bible. NO REGISTRATION NEEDED
For more information contact Bob Kinnear
Bible Essentials
Wednesday mornings, 10 AM - 11 AM
beginning Sept. 18
All are invited to join this study, This is a six-session study from the book of Romans titled “In the Grip of Grace” by Max Lucado following his 40 days through the book series. We will be using that study guidebook and the video as we work through the six sessions on Romans. This study guide can be found on Amazon. We meet in the Conference Room. led by Gary Squyres. No charge. No registration needed
The Twelve Disciples
(LifeGuide Bible Studies)
Wednesday Evening at 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Jesus had about three years to mold a dozen fearful, faithless men into the pillars of a worldwide movement.
Moms Connect
Wednesday Evenings at 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
All moms need encouragement! Join moms of all ages and parenting stages for a supportive, Bible-based group to help you through the ups and downs of life and parenting. We meet during Mid-week connect at 6:30pm | RmS114. Childcare is provided and babies are welcome!
For more information contact Krista Shook
Thursday Mornings Women’s Group
Thursday Mornings, 9:30 AM -11:30 AM
Room S111. The Facilitator of this group is Lisa Moncrief
Friday Morning Men’s Group
Friday Mornings at 6:15 AM – 7:30 AM
Friday, 6:15 am-7:30 am. Meets at Katz’s
(19075 I 45, Shenandoah) for breakfast, then fellowship & study.
No Cost – just bring your Bible.
For more information contact Gil Read
Friday Women B.L.A.S.T.
Friday Mornings, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Weekly in the conference room – We usually choose studies that run from 6 to 12 weeks. Even if you do not have the book come the conversation is lively. NO REGISTRATION NEEDED OPEN TO ALL – JOIN ANY TIME
Contact Lynette Read for more information
These groups meet Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM unless noted below.
The Walk to Emmaus is an experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begins with a 3-day short course in Christianity. It is an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as God’s grace and love are revealed to you through other believers. You will enjoy three days of singing, learning, laughing, worshiping, reflecting, praying, and participating in small groups.
You will also discover how grace is real in your life, how you live a life of grace, and how you bring that grace to others. You will have the opportunity to participate in the daily celebration of Holy Communion and to understand more fully the body of Christ.
The Walk to Emmaus is open to members of any Christian denomination.
2025 Walk Schedule
Men’s Walk #123 – March 20 – 23
Women’s Walk #124 – March 27 – 30
Men’s Walk #119 – September 18 – 21
Women’s Walk #125 – September 25 – 28 (Gathering Oct. 11)
If you would like more information about the Walk to Emmaus contact Sally Henderson