Midweek connect is a time when the church gathers for fellowship and teaching. The evening starts at 5:30pm with food and a time of informal connection.
5:30 – 6:30 | Dinner will be available for all ages. $5 per person is suggested.
Children's choir is at 5:30 - 6:15 PM
Child-care is available for children Ages 6 weeks to 3 years from 5:30 – 7:30 PM
Serving meals does not happen without great volunteers! We need help setting up, serving and take-down. Volunteering is great way to meet new friends & serve God’s people.
MidWeek Connect happens during the school year.
5:30 – 6:15 | Children’s Choir ages 4yr – 6th grade.
Christ Church Cherubs: 4 years through 2nd grade
Christ Church Choristers: 3rd grade through 6th Grade
Age grouping might adjust
Cherubs: Wednesdays, 5:30 – 6:15
Choristers: Wednesdays, 5:30 – 6:15
6:15 – 7:30 | Children 4 years to 6th grade
will be divided into groups for snack/dinner,
games, music, and Bible study
Questions, contact Lynette Read, Director of Children’s ministry
6:30 – 7:30 Students gather in the Commons for dinner at 5:30 and at 6:15 head into Connect groups for study/discussion
7th-12th Grade
Come hang out in the commons or participate in any of the available classes.
An introduction to Christian Scripture, Bible Boot Camp is an 8-week overview answering questions like… How was the Bible formed? Can we trust the Bible? What is in the Old and New Testaments? How do I study the Bible? It is perfect for those who want a big-picture understanding of Christianity’s main book.
Led by Pastor Jon SIms
This Class will be held:
Sunday mornings at 9:30 Beginning January 19
Wednesday Evenings at 6:30 PM Beginning January 22
(LifeGuide Bible Studies)
Jesus had about three years to mold a dozen fearful, faithless men into the pillars of a worldwide movement.
Despite this brief window, time in Jesus’ presence had a transforming effect on each of them, and they would be changed by Jesus’ power.
This study will run Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:30.
They will meet in room TBD
This class will be led by Joyce Hoffman
You can purchase the study guide on Amazon for $8.00
All moms need encouragement! Join moms of all ages and parenting stages for a supportive, Bible-based group to help you through the ups and downs of life and parenting. We meet during Mid-week connect at 6:30pm | RmS114.
Childcare is provided and babies are welcome!
For more information contact Krista Shook
Sanctuary Choir (Non-Auditioned Adult Choir)
8:30 Traditional Choir Rehearses on Wednesday evenings,
7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Music Suite.
11:00 Blended Choir Rehearses on Wednesday evenings,
6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Music Suite.
You can choose to sing at one or both | we would love to have you sing with us.