Next Steps

Spiritual formation happens over the bridge of relationships
 Spiritual practices, emotionally healthy relationships, and theological formation are the bedrock of a thriving faith.
These are the ‘first step’ experiences we recommend…
  • Attend a My Church Class click here for more information on My Church
Bible Boot Camp 2025
 An introduction to Christian Scripture, Bible Boot Camp is an 8-week overview answering questions like…  How was the Bible formed?  Can we trust the Bible?  What is in the Old and New Testaments?  How do I study the Bible?  It is perfect for those who want a big-picture understanding of Christianity’s main book.
Join a Small Group | To check out our small groups click here
Join a Ministry Team | Children, Students, Women, Men, Missions | none of these can be successful without a team of volunteers. Click here to contact Hayden Gee, Director of Adult Ministries
Sign up to Serve at an Serve/Outreach Event click here for more information
Get Baptized | Baptism signifies becoming part of the family of faith. It is a symbol of re-pentance and cleansing from sin and a representation of new birth in Jesus. When someone is baptized they are proclaiming to the world they have trusted Jesus to forgive their sins and their intention to follow Jesus. for more information on baptism click here contact Pastor Heather
Membership is a formal commitment to a local church beyond attending and participating. It means you have skin in the game and are actively working to help the church accomplish its goals. Membership also brings a certain level of healthy accountability to ‘stay the course’ of faith in trying times as well as learning to walk in maturity. At Christ Church membership is above all a commitment to a life of discipleship.
Alpha creates a space for honest conversation around some of life’s biggest questions.
Share a meal, watch a video lesson, and share thoughts, ideas, and opinions in a safe and caring environment.
It is designed for those looking into Christianity, those new to Christianity, and those seeking a more solid foundation for their faith.
Coming Soon!
Faith Practices
As important as theological formation is for our spiritual growth, so is knowing how to practice our faith. Learning from the time-tested, bib-lical practices of the church, this experience invites participants to lean into these practices and make them a part of their rhythm of life.
Coming Soon!
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Moving from shallow Christianity to deep transformation is not easy. Having emotionally healthy relationships with others and with our-selves is not easy either. This course invites us to re-center our spiritual endeavors, so we learn to slow down and cultivate deep, personal relationships with Jesus and others.
Coming Soon!