SUNDAYS SERVICE | 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM
8:30 AM | Traditional Worship
Our Traditional Service has roots in an established faith tradition that has been passed down for centuries. This service employs the use of our Chancel Choir, Organ & Piano with occasional offerings from our Handbell Choir and Choristers Children’s Choir. We sing the hymns of our faith, recite the prayers of our denomination, pray together, listen to Scripture, and share in the message for the day from one of our pastors.
11:00 AM | Blended Worship
Our Blended Service provides traditional practices with contemporary elements, creating a space of worship that is open and accessible to everyone. This service is led by our Praise Choir as well as Worship Leaders, with occasional, high-energy offerings from our CEC and Cherubs Children’s choirs. There is a time of prayer and Scripture reading, and a stirring message from one of our pastors.
11:00 AM | Children’s Worship
Children 4 tears & up begin worship with their families. After the Prayer children are dismissed for children’s worship. They go upstairs to the children’s ministry space for a lesson, Games & crafts.
Nursery is available for children
3 years & under.
Small group hour for all ages
Nursery for children birth to 2 yrs
Sunday School for all children 3 yrs – 6th Grade
Student Ministry for all 7th – 12 grade
Adult’s – there are many class options available
Have questions? We have the answers!
We worship at both 8:30 am with traditional worship style and music and 11:00 am with a blended worship of both traditional & contemporary style and music. Each worship service generally last about an hour.
We are located at 6363 Research Forest Dr. in The Woodlands, Texas, next door to The Woodlands High School. A map is provided below.
We have a large parking lot that wraps around the campus. We also are very fortunate that we can park at The Woodlands High School lot as well, right next door.
Handicap parking is available in all parking lots. Sidewalks lead directly from reserved parking to entrances. We also have a row of Senior parking available on Sunday mornings in the front lot.
The short answer is whatever you are comfortable wearing. You’ll see shorts and flip flops, jeans and button downs, slacks and dresses, and some suits. It’s important for us that you feel comfortable. We care about you, not your clothes.
Definitely not! But we would love to get to know you better! Grab a pastor after the service, visit the Welcome Center or speak with an Usher.
Absolutely! We always want our children to grow up feeling comfortable in church. We welcome the crying and questions that come from children. We have activity packs for children every Sunday in a basket by the main doors into the sanctuary. A children’s message is delivered during the 11:00 am service. Nursery is available during both worship services and through the 9:30 Sunday School hour.